
Rolex Watches vs. Breguet: Which Is Better?



In this blog post, we will compare Rolex Watches with Breguet. It is to determine which is the best choice for you. 

Rolex Watches are a luxury manufacturer of watches. They are well-known for high product quality. They are highly reliable, sturdy, and robust. These watches signify innovation, performance, prestige, and excellence. On the other hand, Breguet watches are a luxury manufacturer of watches, clocks, and jewelry. It ranks sixth in the Swiss watches world as far as brand recognition is concerned.

Let’s have a closer look into the difference between the Rolex Watches and Breguet.


Rolex uses COSC certification (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute) for their movements. They conduct this testing until they reach -2/+2 seconds. It is the standard for all watches of Rolex. Hence, the dial contains the word “Superlative Chronometer.” On the other hand, Breguet doesn’t use this COSC certification. Their methods are more accurate than COSC. They use magnetic pivots, a lever, an escape wheel, and a silicon balance spring. They are historically significant watches when compared to Rolex.


Rolex is relatively prominent than Breguet. Nevertheless, both brands have made a significant place in the global market. Is it why they have a crown logo. Right? Breguet stands in the sixth position of famous watchmakers worldwide, whereas Rolex is in the first place. Breguet watches are loved by people who are fond of the history of watch-making. They have made a significant impact on the age-old technique of watch-making.


Rolex is not considered to be prestigious than Breguet. Breguet is one of the ancient watches that have positioned themselves as inventors, innovators, and contributors. On the contrary, Rolex has a different advertising plan. It caters to the standard person. Hence, Breguet is for high earners and watches connoisseurs. Therefore, Breguet takes the number in terms of prestige.

Resale Value

Rolex is the best gifts for watch lovers when compared to the different brands of the world. Since they are the most recognized brand, they have a high resale value. Rolex retains its value better than any other brand in the world. However, Breguet does not maintain its resale value. Therefore, watches lose their value after being worn. They are not investments but are consumer products. It is relatively rare when the value of watches appreciate. Nevertheless, it should not be done as it is mere gambling and not investment.